sometimes it’s not about planning. It’s not about discussion or clothing or time of day or anything except vision and being willing to get out of the car for one shot. or maybe two. this was just that. one of my dearest friends, Leah, was showing me the sights here in Albuquerque and we came upon a place where I just. had. to. stop. And with minimal cajoling I talked her, and her 5 week old son, out of the car and onto a nearby rock. The light was amazing – exactly what I wanted it to be – overbright and harsh per the desert environ. This image, for me, is about art. It’s not about whether you can see the baby’s face. It’s not about what she was wearing or what he was wearing. It’s a story, though it’s not my story to tell. It’s a statement, though that statement may be different for everyone. In the end it’s about a mother, her first child, the desert and the light. It was exactly right.