yes, it’s known, I kinda love to travel for photography. Whether it’s going back to places I’ve lived and moved away from, heading to new places, or reuniting with the people and clients who I’ve built forever relationships with who also move, it’s a joy to get to do what I love and do it from renewed or new and fantastic locations. This family makes the top of the list for forever families – Kate and I have been friends since we met (when she was about to give birth to her second daughter and they had just started unpacking in GA). I photographed the newborn session, and we bonded over cheez-its at the review session. It was instant friendship and photography for the next two and a half years as the girls grew up, and I am super excited that they’re now a short flight away (thank you Southwest) in their new digs, amidst the red rocks of Las Vegas.
The L Family {Las Vegas Family Photos}