Tucson High School Senior Pictures for the Boys

Tucson high school senior pictures aren’t just for girls. Even if guys aren’t that into it, I can make the experience fun, and memorable! Guys have tons of interests that we can bring forward into the high school senior sessions – from sports, to locations, to clothing that feels like “them” – it’s all about personality and planning. I offer 3 clothing changes, but the guys don’t always take me up on that. For high school senior pictures, whether with guys or gals, we talk at length about what kind of personality, interests, locations, props, and clothing make sense for the session. We plan out the location around the best time of day, and the best light in those locations. We plan out what props – if any – to bring to add to the session. If your son is into sports, let’s do a sports theme look. If he’s into reading, or gaming, or music, or dirt bikes, or his car – let’s do any and all of those things! The best sessions are a result of combining his interests with the locations that speak best to those interests! So don’t think that Tucson senior pictures are only for girls! Boys can have a great experience too!

Below are some sample images, but also click on the following links for full High School Senior pictures with guys!






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